How to Shorten Your Sales Cycle
Frustrated by the length of your sales cycle? This post looks at one of the key reasons that salespeople struggle to close a sale. It also suggests four steps that the Sales Head needs to take to fix this.
Frustrated by the length of your sales cycle? This post looks at one of the key reasons that salespeople struggle to close a sale. It also suggests four steps that the Sales Head needs to take to fix this.
How does a salesperson ‘ask the customer for the business’ without sounding obnoxious? How does one close the sale without being or feeling like a jerk? How should salespeople conduct themselves at the crucial ‘close’ stage’ of the sale, so that they do not inadvertently end up causing the customer to shut them out?
This post examines the reasons the ‘close’ often turns into an unpleasant, if not an outright nightmare, situation for both customer and salesperson.
It also suggests how salespeople can effectively close the sale.
kingessays.com reviewThe product or service you are pitching is great. But, your prospect politely refuses saying that their ‘current priorities lie elsewhere’. This post provides you insights into how you can escape this pitfall.
kingessays.com reviewThe product or service you are pitching is great. But, your prospect politely refuses saying that their ‘current priorities lie elsewhere’. This post provides you insights into how you can escape this pitfall.