Module 5: Handling Difficult Client Situations and Irate___
There are few things that customers hate more than being given the Mushroom Treatment. What exactly is the Mushroom Treatment, and how do you prevent it?
Take this module to learn more.
Happy Learning!
Module 4: Managing Customer Expectations, Including Requesting for Extensions___
How does one say ‘no’ assertively while minimizing offense?
Take this module to learn more.
Happy Learning!
Module 3: Business and Customer Communication Best Practices___
Positive language is a tool with an enormous potential to reduce conflict, improve communication and inculcate the right attitude. However, positive language needs to be put more into practice, and that’s exactly what this course will cover.
Take the course to learn more.
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Module 2: Seven Mistakes Service Providers Make When Servicing Customers___
Despite their best intentions, service providers often make mistakes that tick customers off and jeopardise customer loyalty and brand image.
This module deals with the seven most common mistakes that service providers make.
Take this course to learn more.
Happy Learning!