Managers usually attribute poor performance to a team member’s lack of interest or application. Are these be the only reasons that people fail to perform though?
In this two-part video lesson, we share with you five key factors that impact an individual’s performance. The absence of any of these factors has been proven to have a definite and negative impact on an individual’s performance at work.
The first part of the video introduces the five factors. Proceed to discover what these five factors are, and then attempt the quiz at the bottom of the screen.
The Five Factors that Impact Performance – I
As a manager, does it drive you nuts when your team members underperform; when even seemingly bright and experienced people fail to meet set goals and performance parameters?
Are you left wondering as to why it is that they fail?
Well, in this lesson, we share with you the science behind why people underperform.
The Five Factors that Impact Performance:
Consider Manisha.
If Manisha desires to perform at peak levels, then she requires the following five ingredients, in the required measure, to be able to fulfil her aspiration to meet the desired performance standards.
The five ingredients are:
- Clarity of goals and performance measures
- Technical and process knowledge
- Behavioural skills
- Self-belief
- Motivation
Actually, there are two other factors as well, that Manisha requires to possess
The sixth factor is the right work environment for Manisha to operate within.
By the right work environment, we mean that Manisha needs to have:
- A positive, happy, empowering workplace (a place people love to come to work to)
- All material or physical resources required for work to be available
Providing a happy, empowering workplace and the resources required for work are primarily the responsibility of the manager. However, in a programme on individual performance management, we do not consider these, as important as they are. This is because, in this workshop, we are primarily focussing on improving the performance of sub-par performers.
The seventh factor that will determine if Manisha can meet set goals is her work practices. Specifically, we are talking about the discipline and diligence she shows in matters related to work.
However, we do not directly deal with such work practices in the workshop, since most minor discipline and diligence related matters get covered under ‘motivation’ itself, and the more serious matters require their own treatment. These, we deal with the subsequent workshop titled ‘Critical Conversations’.
In this workshop, we restrict our discussions to the five factors we had mentioned earlier, i.e.
- Clarity of goals and performance measures
- Technical and process knowledge
- Behavioural skills
- Self-belief
- Motivation