In the previous section, we had seen that once you have identified the bucket that the customer can be placed in, you would need to:
Identify the various situations that you could be faced with and the insight presentation that you will deliver relative to that.
Situation | What Will my Pitch Be? | Pitch Content Overview |
Illustration: Filled in by salesperson
Situation 1: Prospect wants to buy the product I am selling, but is undecided which supplier to go with. Before I pitched, I ascertained as to what the criteria for supplier selection will be. The prospect told me that it was the following:
What makes my firm best suited to meet their need |
Refuse to give a specific price till late in the sales process. Insist on a detailed discussion on value sought and business metrics that the purchase will impact before quoting a price. If insisting on price, give a range (the lowest we’ve done vs. the highest) |