3.1. Tailored Pitches: The Key to ‘Moving’ your Customer

Recap: Steps to be taken at the End of the Bucketing Exercise

In the previous section, we had seen that once you have identified the bucket that the customer can be placed in, you would need to:

  1. Probe further (say they had a bad experience, probe further to understand what this was, when it happened, what was the outcome).


  1. Deliver an ‘insight’ message or presentation. This is your pitch, which is constructed to ‘educate’ the customer. This presentation will be relative to the situation identified. For example, your pitch for Situation 1 will involve you talking about the merits of your firm vs. the pitch for Situation 3, which would involve selling meal vouchers as a concept.



Tailoring Your Pitch: An Exercise

Identify the various situations that you could be faced with and the insight presentation that you will deliver relative to that.

Situation What Will my Pitch Be? Pitch Content Overview
Illustration: Filled in by salesperson

Situation 1: Prospect wants to buy the product I am selling, but is undecided which supplier to go with.

Before I pitched, I ascertained as to what the criteria for supplier selection will be. The prospect told me that it was the following:

  1. Vintage/ experience
  2. Proof of successful delivery
  3. Assessment of the technical capability of the delivery team
  4. Pricing
What makes my firm best suited to meet their need
  1. Vintage & global expertise; founder details
  2. Two success case studies & testimonial video
  3. Introduction of delivery team & laying out their credentials
  4. Testimonials from customers talking about the value we have driven relative to price

Refuse to give a specific price till late in the sales process. Insist on a detailed discussion on value sought and business metrics that the purchase will impact before quoting a price. If insisting on price, give a range (the lowest we’ve done vs. the highest)

Specific Steps I Will Take to Improve My Communication With My Onshore Counterparts

Benefits/Outcomes that will accrue if I do this

Target Date

Probable Barriers to Implementing My Action Plan

How I Will Overcome These Barriers

Target Date
