How to Ensure Your Employees Engage With – Rather than Ignore – Your LMS

Getting your employees to actively and consistently engage with your LMS is key to ensuring a worthwhile RoI on your LMS investment.

Why poor content compromises eLearning initiatives

Most traditional eLearning content is clunky, long-format, theoretical and not optimized for the modern-day learner, who looks for relevant and field-tested content in bite-sized, video and infographic formats.

Little wonder then that organizations have so much trouble ensuring eLearning offtake and user engagement with their LMSs.

Actuate Microlearning Solutions to get your people actively engaging with your LMS (and kudos for you)

Unlike run-of-the-mill online learning content, Actuate’s microlearning courses from CitrusLearning are built from the contents of our hugely successful blended and classroom trainings, now packaged as micro eLearning courses. This means that these:

Have been created by people with the relevant business/ job experience
Have been field-tested and perfected with people who use these skills
Employ microlearning (bite-sized), visual – video and infographic – formats


To get your people performance ready
For you to receive kudos for your role in helping them get there!


Who should buy our content?

Our digital learning courses are intended for organisations:

Planning to augment their regular classroom training with online learning support
Where employees often struggle to find the time for formal, long-format learning events
Seeking to help employees – especially the millennials and Gen Z – learn using formats they are most familiar with: bite-sized videos and infographics

About our course

We recognize that people learn very differently today. With the advent of YouTube and WhatsApp, we are more attuned to consuming information in bite-sized chunks and in visual formats.
Courses that Actuate offers are therefore:

a. In engaging visual formats

We use highly visual and engaging video, slideshow or infographic formats in our lessons. Meaning, everyone – especially the modern-day learner – loves our courses! Say goodbye to boring e-learning.

Here are a few demos:

b. Highly rated by users

Certificates Generated
April 01 to May 30


Average Course Feedback Score


On a five-point scale

Average Number of Courses Completed Per Learner


c. Assessment ready

We measure course effectiveness through:

A pre-and-post course test, ideally, caselet based, to assess change in knowledge levels
(Click here for a demo)
Action Learning Projects (Where Applicable) Depending on the LMS capabilities, we can offer you action learning plan forms, as well as implementation and effectiveness data capture forms.
(Click here for a demo)

We will help you drive greater online learning offtake

At CitrusLearning, our all-consuming desire is to ensure that our clients succeed. In fact, we work closely with them to ensure this end.

Now, we have had huge successes with the completion of our online courses. Completion rates for our courses range between 68 and 93 percent. You can benefit from our experience and ensure that your online learning initiatives are a success, similarly.

Give us a holler. We’d love to share how the best in the business are ensuring high e-learning offtake and active use of the LMS.

How good are our courses?

Well, we’ve tested our courses with practitioners in the field under consideration, with great success!

For example, salespeople who’ve undertaken our sales training’s have reported huge successes as a result of using our content. Here are just one of the many testimonials attesting to this fact.

a. What happy customers have to say about us

b. Indicative industries and clients served

Over the last decade, we have served organisations across industry verticals. This experience has provided us with a deep insight into various industries and domains. Here are a few clients that we’ve had the privilege of serving:

Actuate Course Catalogue

Behavioral, Leadership, Managerial, Cognitive and Technical Skills Microlearning Courses

About Actuate microlearning

Earth’s greatest treasure lies in human potential!
It’s a belief that drove Jerson James, founder, ThomasWordsworth HR Systems, the company that owns the Actuate Microlearning brand, to launch the company. And the company’s vision, “to help people be the best possible versions of themselves” is the guiding light behind every initiative that we run.

With Actuate’s video format micro e-learning courses, you get content that is field tested, structured in formats that the modern-day user loves, and which is designed to get them performance ready!

Why don’t we demo some of our content to you?

Get In Touch

As so many of our clients have testified, Actuate’s services have the potential to add immense value to your key personnel.

If you desire to equip your employees with the skills to better meet business metrics, then get in touch with us:

+ 971 55 401 3606

Or, simply leave us a note using the form below, and we will get in touch with you.

Get In Touch

As so many of our clients have testified, Actuate’s services have the potential to add immense value to your key personnel.

If you desire to equip your employees with the skills to better meet business metrics, then get in touch with us:

+ 971 55 401 3606

Or, simply leave us a note using the form below, and we will get in touch with you.

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Specific Steps I Will Take to Improve My Communication With My Onshore Counterparts

Benefits/Outcomes that will accrue if I do this

Target Date

Probable Barriers to Implementing My Action Plan

How I Will Overcome These Barriers

Target Date

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