Axis, Session 1 Walkthrough

Module, Sub-section and Facilitation Tool Slides Estimated Duration
Session Opening 11.75
Welcome Address 0.25
Activity- Hello World!: In the chat box, type in “Hello lovely people, this is {{First Name}}” 3 0.5
Facilitator introduction 4 1
Ice-breaker and participant introduction (Activity) 4 10
Session Objectives and Agenda 10
Explanation of session objectives and format (Facilitator Debrief) 6 to 8 2
Facilitated Discussion – Your challenges: What are the challenges that you have faced w.r.t. getting prospects to give you their time or respond to your ‘consultative questions’? 9 3
Facilitated Discussion – Why are prospects often reluctant to meet with salespeople and/ or
freely open up to them?
10 3
Facilitator Input – based on above discussion 11 to 13 2
1. Establishing Trust, Building Rapport 14
Module Objectives: Getting participants to
* Understand how their personality type impacts their selling “style” (how this is both beneficial and could become a hindrance to sales, if one is not aware of it);
* Using the knowledge of selling styles to build rapport with and facilitate the sales discussion
Poll/ survey 1–  Have you ever experienced this? 15 2
Facilitated Discussion can you share an actual instance (not a hypothetical situation) of each of these happening?”) 15 6
Question: Has it ever intrigued or frustrated you, why different customers/ prospects respond differently to you? 16
Facilitated Discussion Why might they be responding differently to you? 17 3
Poll/ survey 2 – “Why do you think customer behaviour is so confusing (they behave differently)?” 18 2
Facilitator Debrief – their personalities differ 19 1
Facilitated Discussion: How would it help you, if you could… 20
Facilitator debrief/ input 21- 22
Identifying Your Own Personality Type and Learning About Personality Types 23
Poll/ survey 3based on the previous input –  Which of the following is true) 24
Facilitator Debrief
Briefing – Online Tool – report 25-26
Facilitator Debrief – The four personality types – traits (using the slides and the PDF on the laptop) 27-31
Poll/ survey 4– (based on the personality types, which type of salesperson would be the most successful?) 32
Facilitator Debrief: there is no correlation between personality type and sales success -each will sell in their own way (sales success is the outcome of sales skills, knowledge and disciplined selling endeavours) 33
Exercise (profiling two people we know closely
Poll/ survey 5– (What does the landscape here look like?) 34
Facilitated Discussion (based on previous input – So what can we do with this knowledge in our selling endeavours? 35
Building Rapport by Assessing Personality Types 36
Facilitated Discussion Why should you care about building rapport? 37
Facilitator Debrief: How to address the four types to build rapport 38-41
Communicating to Build Rapport 42
Facilitator Debrief – Addressing the four types to build rapport 43-52
Fishbowl Role-Plays – Addressing the four types to build rapport

Specific Steps I Will Take to Improve My Communication With My Onshore Counterparts

Benefits/Outcomes that will accrue if I do this

Target Date

Probable Barriers to Implementing My Action Plan

How I Will Overcome These Barriers

Target Date

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