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Why It’s Time For Managers to Stop Feedback Conversations (And what they must do instead)About this E-book
Armed with the best of intentions, managers use feedback sessions as communication tools to help people do better in their roles. Unfortunately, these conversations usually end up having the opposite effect, much to everyone’s frustration.
The problem isn’t in the communication itself – it’s in the perspective that drives this communication.
Intrigued? Pick up this book and learn how to communicate to drive performance improvement.
Upcoming Assets
- Podcast: Handling Difficult Employees During a Performance Conversation
- Slideshow: 10 Truths that Every Manager Providing Feedback Must Bear in Mind
- Audiobook: Empower! Audiobook
- Self-Reflection Tool for Managers: How Effective Am I at Conducting Performance Dialogues: Manager Self-Reflection Toolkit
- Mega Free Bonus: To be Announced (You will absolutely love this one)!
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