How Does One Measure eLearning Effectiveness

How Does One Measure eLearning Effectiveness

How Does One Measure eLearning Effectiveness



In this video, what 19 years in the L&D field and serving some of India’s top brands has taught me about measuring effectiveness for eLearning interventions.


1. What are the five effectiveness evaluations that L&D can use for eLearning?
2. What kind of data to capture, and how L&D can use these to inform its strategic decisions?
3. Insights into how to conduct each of the five evaluations.


How to Choose the Right eLearning Content for Your Learners

How to Choose the Right eLearning Content for Your Learners

How to Choose the Right eLearning Content for Your Learners

Digital content consumption and learning trends how you can harness these to select the right eLearning content for your learners.


There are clear – and critical – changes in the way learners consume learning content today. And if you fail to take cognizance of these, you could end up compromising your entire digital learning strategy.


Here are seven tips to help you choose the right eLearning content for your learners.


Feel Less Stressed, Think Clearer By Practicing Mindfulness Meditation

Feel Less Stressed, Think Clearer By Practicing Mindfulness Meditation

A guide on what is, and how to practice, Mindfulness Meditation for a happier life.


Free eBook Download


Why It’s Time For Managers to Stop Feedback Conversation (And what they must do instead)


Why It’s Time For Managers to Stop Feedback Conversations
(And what they must do instead)

Remote Working and Disengaged Employees – Why it Happens and How to Avoid It

Remote Working and Disengaged Employees – Why it Happens and How to Avoid It

Sure, remote work has its benefits

A remote working model offers many benefits to organisations, people and society as a whole:

1. Reduced real estate costs for organisations
2. It allows organisations to hire top talent from across the world
3. Employees more satisfied with their jobs because of lowered commute times
4. Leser commute means less clogged roads and lower pollution

But have you factored how work meets people’s psychological needs (and are you engineering this for your remote workers)?


Download Our FREE eBook titled ‘Beyond Engagement’

Download our free ebook on how managers can learn to engage their team members better by meeting their psychological needs.

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