Role-Play Brief

Raghav Pandit, the “Client” you will be meeting in the role-play, is the Head HR of SumTotal Energies, a Petroleum company headquartered in Britain with a large operation in India.

Calyx360, the company you represent, had emailed Raghav to pitch your 360( survey tool), and the latter responded to your email.

Shrutika, your colleague, subsequently contacted Raghav and set up a meeting for you. This meeting, your very first with Raghav, is what you are role-playing right now.

When Shrutika had enquired about what he (Raghav) hoped to accomplish through this meeting, all he said was, “You reached out to me about your 360 Survey tool and I want to see what you have to offer.” He did not divulge any further information.

You checked Raghav’s LinkedIn profile and learned that he has been with SumTotal Energies for 21 years, before which he had been employed with British Gas for eight years.

SumTotal Energies’ LinkedIn bio reveals that they have 10,000+ employees in India.

Your objective in the role-play is to sell Raghav the Calyx360 survey automation tool.

Specific Steps I Will Take to Improve My Communication With My Onshore Counterparts

Benefits/Outcomes that will accrue if I do this

Target Date

Probable Barriers to Implementing My Action Plan

How I Will Overcome These Barriers

Target Date

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