Five Micro-Video Format Courses: Skills for the Post-COVID-19 World

Video-format Microlearning Courses to Equip Your Employees to Thrive in a Radically Changed Post-COVID-19 World

Forced by the COVID-19 pandemic, consumer behaviour, the economy and organisations are changing.

And success in this new – unprecedented - environment requires employees to be equipped with a whole new set of skills.

Five Courses to Help Your Employees Thrive in the Post-COVID-19 World

Actuate Microlearning is pleased to announce the launch of micro-video format courses on the following topics to help you equip your employees to navigate these challenging times successfully.

1. Managing Remote Team Members
2. Virtual and Phone-Based Selling
3. Giving and Receiving Performance Feedback
4. Time Management – Reimagined
5. Working from Home Excellence

For Organisations Who Recognise that These Times Need a Different Breed of Professionals

Many of our clients have recognised that times have changed, that things will get tougher, but there will still be opportunities for organisations that are geared to profit from these.

If you think likewise, then you would also realise that at the heart of any profitable enterprise lies or highly skilled workforce adept at thriving in these trying times.

Course Details

Each of the five courses above is made up of multiple micro-videos, each followed by a graded assessment.

Please click on the Θ sign to view the details of each course.

1. Handling a Remote Team – A Manager’s Guide

Many organisations are accepting remote working, including working from home, as a viable business model. However, many managers are ill-equipped to handle the myriad rigours and challenges of managing remote teams, something that can impact employees and the organisation as a whole.

An urgent need thus exists for managers to master the art of managing remote team workers effectively.

Course Outline  Time 
Module 1: Introduction – New Skills for an Altered Landscape
Changing Environment of the Way we Work. Challenges faced by Managers in Handling Teams working Remotely
Key Skills Managers require to Thrive in an Altered Landscape
3 mins
Module 2. a: Three Weeks in the Life of a Manager – A Case Study
1 A seasoned manager has recently moved into remote working along with his team 10 -15 mins
2 Being experienced does not prepare him for the challenges that are presented to him in an Altered Lanscape, specifically Remote Working Teams
3 Situations that the experienced manager could easily handle while in a single physical location, now threatens to discredit his and his teams performance
Module 2. b: Four Critical Managers Responsibilities
1 In an Office Environment or Remote working a manager’s role stays the same 3-4 mins
2 A quick review of the fours different aspects of a managers role
Module 3: Driving Intrinsic Engagements
1 An overview into V-RAMP- a must have tool for a manager when handling individual team members 8 – 9 mins
2 Tips on how to incorporate the V-Ramp model into remote working teams
Module 4. a: Building a High Performance Remote Team – Introduction into the four Stages of team Development
1 Talented team members do not necessarily make a successful team 4-5 mins
2 Introduction to the four stages of team development.
Module 4. b: Building a High Performance Remote Team – Team Development stages details
1 An insight into the four stages of Team Building 7 – 8 mins
2 How you can guide your remote working team into a cohesive, well-formed unit
Module 5. a: Performance Management 
1 Performance of the individual and the team is every manager’s focus 6-7 mins
2 The changed environment requires goals, tracking, and other aspects of performance to be managed remotely
3 Tips on how to efficiently track performance for remote employees.
Module 6.: Recreating the Office Environment 
1 There are mutiple facilities and technology that is intrinsic to an office environment 5 – 6 mins
2 Highlighting all the factors considered to make work from home possible and efficient
Module 7: Document It! 
1 Document everything! A best practice that a manager must do 5 – 6 mins
2 Tips on How, and ways to document
Module 8: Practice Balance
1 Burnout is real – especially while working from home 5 – 6 mins
2 Employees mental wellbeing can directly affect organisation’s performance
3 Tips on how to pactice balance in a remote working environment


More Course Details

  • Number of Lessons: 10
  • Course Duration: 60 mins
  • Course Material: Available for download
  • Certification: Yes
  • Course Customisation: Available
  • *Average Course Feedback Score for Actuate Microlearning’s courses (April – May 2020):4.28 on 5 (from 9,500 respondents)

2. Virtual Selling Skills (Including Phone-Based Selling) Masterclass

It will be a while before customers allow for face-to-face meetings with salespeople. Also, a depressed economic environment awaits us on the other side of the lockdown.

Put these two factors together, and it is apparent that salespeople need to master a different set of skills to thrive in this unprecedented environment. Specifically, they must master the art of selling in a tougher environment, using virtual communication tools.

Course Outline  Time 
Introduction – The post COVID-19 Business Landscape and What This Means for Salespeople
1. The Changing Post COVID-19
2. Challenges Salespeople Face (Why This Course)
3. Key Abilities Salespeople Require to Thrive in an Altered Sales Landscape
3 mins
Module 1: Undertanding Your Customer as They Adapt to the Post-COVID-19 World
1 The B2C Sale: What’s Your Customer Looking for Now? 10 -15 mins
2 The B2B Sale: What’s Your Customer Looking for Now?
3 The Channel Sale: How can you Support your Channel Partner’s Success Now?
Module 2: Sales Planning and Effective Prospecting Skills in a Post-COVID-19 World (Why These are the Bedrock of Sales Success)
1 The Case for Diligent Sales Planning and Prospecting: It’s the Key to Your Sales Success; Why you Must Increase Your Prospecting Endeavours in a Post-COVID-19 World 30 min
2 How to Find your Target Customer/ Channel Partner: Prospecting Techniques for the Post-COVID-19 World
3 Communicating Familiarity, Credibility and Value (FCV) via Phone, Email or Text: The Key to Landing Sales Meetings
4 How to Handle a Prospect Who Keeps Postponing the First Sales Meeting
5 How to Handle a Prospect Who Refuses to Take Your Call in the First Place
6 Active Experimentation Project
Creating Your FCV Message
Supplementary Learning
1.a. Sales Planning – I: Know Your Ratios/ Numbers – eBook for Download
1. b. Sales Planning – II: Selling to the Right People (How to Avoid Wasting Time With the Wrong Target Profile) – eBook for Download
2. Networking for Sales Success – Addng Value to Your Customer and Prospects Via Insights, Content Marketing Pieces – Bonus Video
Module 3: Before Your First Sales Call 
1 Identifying the purpose of your sales call (Before every call): Why This is Critical + an Illustration 5 mins
2 Active Experimentation Project
Planning the purpose of your next sales call
Module 5: Opening Your Sales Call (Because Well Begun is Half Done)
1 Building Credibility: Sales Call Etiquette, voice, including the impact your body language has on your voice 10 – 12 mins
2 Setting the Stage for a Consultative Dialogue: Solidifying Your FCV Message
3 Active Experimentation Project
Planning the purpose of your next sales call
Module 6: Conducting Consultative Sales Dialogues Using Phone/ Web-Based Video Calls
1 Bucketing: the key to identifying your prospect’s current ‘situation’ and to tailoring your ‘pitch’ 15 – 20 mins
2 Bucketing: How to Conduct This Exercise Over a Virtual/ Phone-Based Call: An Illustration
3 Active Experimentation Project
Identifying your ‘Bucket’ identification questions
Supplementary Learning
Voice Tone and Body Language – Podcast
Six body language mistakes to avoid during ta virtual call – Infographic download
Module 7: Structuring Your Presentation or Proposal (Including How to do this on a virtual/ video call)
1 Why you must seek a virtual call for a demo/ pitch 20 – 25 mins
2 Sales demo/ proposal best practies: Messages tailored to the ‘bucket’ you’ve identified and emotional resonance
3 The FAB model of product pitching
4 Preempting objections in and through your sales pitch/ proposal
5 Active Experimentation Project
Identifying your ‘Bucket’ identification questions
Creating Your FAB grid and objection preemption points
Module 8: Objection Handling and Sales Advancement Skills
1 Objection management – I: An objection is not a denial to buy (how to view objections) 20  – 25 Mins
2 Objection management II: How to manage an objection (An objection
3 How to justify premium pricing and terms
Supplementary Learning
Building relationships with and selling to key decision makers at a higher level in the hierarchy – Podcast
Module 9:  Sales Negotiations Basics
1 How to conduct negotiation conversations 20 – 25 mins
2 Negotiation dirty tricks customers use and how to overcome these
Supplementary Learning
How to spot a lie in a virtual or phone call (clues to look for) – Podcast
Module 10: Sales Closing Skills
1 Closing the sale: how to seal the deal (and ensure a happy customer) 5 – 7 mins


More Course Details

  • Number of Lessons: 22
  • Course Duration: 100 mins
  • Course Material: Available for download
  • Certification: Yes
  • Course Customisation: Available
  • *Average Course Feedback Score for Actuate Microlearning’s courses (April – May 2020):4.28 on 5 (from 9,500 respondents)

3. The Champions Formula: Giving and Receiving Performance Feedback

“Feedback”, as leadership expert Ken Blanchard is quoted to have said, is “the breakfast of champions.”

However, if employee feedback is to be believed, then it is one of those many conversations that many managers botch up. The result: compromised productivity and disgruntled employees.

An urgent need this exists to equip managers with the ability to provide effective feedback. Team members must also be trained to receive feedback effectively.

Course Outline  Time 
Module 1: Introduction 2 mins
Module 2: Providing Feedback – Key Points to Remember
1 Why it’s Time to Junk Feedback Conversations (And What Works Better) 6-7 mins
2 Why ‘Feeling Good’ is Critical to the Success of a Critical Conversation Like an Appraisal or a Performance Discussion
Module 3: Conducting Feedforward Conversations
1 How to Conduct Feed-Forward Conversations 33-34 mins
2 How to Prevent Feed-Forward Conversations from Turning Awry
3 Challenges in Conducting Feed-Forward Conversations and How to Tackle These
Module 4: Receiving Feedback
1 Receiving Feedback 16 mins
Module 5: Course Feedback
1 Your feedback form 2 mins


More Course Details

  • Number of Lessons: 06
  • Course Duration: 60 mins
  • Course Material: Available for download
  • Certification: Yes
  • Course Customisation: Available
  • *Average Course Feedback Score for Actuate Microlearning’s courses (April – May 2020):4.28 on 5 (from 9,500 respondents)

4. Time Management – Reimagined for the Post COVID-19 World

There are numerous challenges that the pandemic, the resultant lockdown and the work-from-home model employed by organisations have introduced with respect to time management.

Blurred lines between personal and professional work, longer hours at work, the struggle to prevent our personal life interfere with our professional, and vice-versa, the challenges that remote working introduces with managing remote team members, being a few.

The good news is that time management principles do not change. They just need to be adapted for the post-COVID-19 world.

Course Outline  Time 
1 Are You in Control of Your Schedules? Self-Reflection 15 min
2 The Hamster on the Wheel – The Trouble Modern Day Workers Face 5 mins
3 Myths to Avoid to Get the Most Out of Your Time – I 3:30 mins
4 Myths to Avoid to Get the Most Out of Your Time – II 4 mins
5 Fullness of Life, Success and Time Management 3:30 mins
6 Are You Urgency Addicted (And Why You are So?) 4:50 mins
7 Outrunning the Urgent – Part 1 7 mins
8 Outrunning the Urgent – Part 2 5:45 min
9 Outrunning the Urgent – Part 3 7:45 mins
10 Outrunning the Urgent – Part 4 4:15 mins
11 Outrunning the Urgent – Part 5 5 mins
12 Scheduling Your Day-1: Part 01 10:50 mins
13 Scheduling Your Day-1: Part 01 10:30 mins
14 Scheduling Your Day-1: Part 01 10 mins
15 Scheduling Your Day-1: Part 01 5 mins
16 Epilogue 2:30 mins


More Course Details

  • Number of Lessons: 16
  • Course Duration: 90 mins
  • Course Material: Available for download
  • Certification: Yes
  • Course Customisation: Available
  • *Average Course Feedback Score for Actuate Microlearning’s courses (April – May 2020): 4.28 on 5 (from 9,500 respondents)

5. Working From Home (Remote Working) Excellence

Remote working, including working from home, is commonplace today and will grow in popularity moving forward.

However, working from home is more than just a change of work address. It requires that professionals adopt a different mindset, do the groundwork and introduce certain practices that will enable them to thrive in a remote working environment.


Course Outline  Time 
Module 1: Introduction – Is Working from Home All That Easy?
Changing Environment of the Way we Work
Learn how to be a high-performer and an efficient employee even as you work remotely.
2-3 mins
Module 2.a, 2.b.& 2.c: Following remote working employees, Rajneesh, Sarah & Kaushik – Case Studies
1 Three Employees who have chosen or have moved into a new way of working – remotely from their homes. 6-7 mins
2 Is it just that they have only moved physically from their work place to their homes, or are they as target-oriented and as efficient?
3 Not being attentive to the small details can negatively affect the desired expectation of a once excellent employee.
Module 3. Never Loose sight of your Goals
1 Even well experienced and successful employees may encounter issues when transitioning from a traditional work environment to working from their home. 5-6 mins
2 Critical evaluation on the case study subject Rajneesh, Sarah and Kaushik to find out how well they have adapted to their altered work environment
Module 4. : Operational Targets
1 Does your core job change with your change in work environment? Let’s find out. 5 – 6 mins
2 Keping your eye on the ball! Focusing on your targets in an environment where there are no visual cues and management reminders.
Module 5: Management, Colleagues, Vendors, Customers – Interactions revised
1 The change in landscape and the face-to-face interaction may no longer to available. 5-6 mins
2 What does an employee need to be aware of to ensure people communicaion is altered to suit the new way of working.
3 Tips on what to look out for and be more tuned to when interacting remotely.
Module 6: Self Management – Perfecting Discipline and Integrity
1 Does an employee have the same integrity and discipline to work even when away from management eyes? 3-4 mins
2 Tips to build discipline into your daily work-life.
3 How to ensure the changed environment does not alter your integrity.
Module 7: Self-Managemengt – Self-care is not an Option
1 While working from home the lines can easily blur between work and personal life. 3-4 mins
2 You can easily become secondary in our own life.
3 Taking care of yourself has to be your priority and intentionally built into your every day life
Module 8:  Self Management – Enhancing Your Skills
1 Enhancing your skills and Learning should not take a backseat 3-4 mins
2 Tips on how to build your skills so to be a valuable employee and be ready for the next position.


More Course Details

  • Number of Lessons: 10
  • Course Duration: XX mins
  • Course Material: Available for download
  • Certification: Yes
  • Course Customisation: Available
  • *Average Course Feedback Score for Actuate Microlearning’s courses (April – May 2020):4.28 on 5 (from 9,500 respondents)

How We Deliver Our Courses to You

We tailor our off-the-shelf courses to your eLearning strategy and infrastructure. So, we can offer you our courses:

1. To be Hosted on Your LMS

We offer you the courses in SCORM format – configured as per your requirements and co-branded – and you can host these on your LMS.

2. On our Cloud LMS (with a portal branded for you)

Your learners can take the courses from our CloudLMS. You will receive a dashboard where you can view user progress, course completion and points scored reports

Actuate Microlearning: Indicative Client List

Over the last ten years or so, we have had the privilege of serving – and learning from – numerous organisations across industry verticals, These experiences continue to guide all our content development endeavours.

Here is an indicative list of clients whom we have served

Latest Actuate Microlearning Course Ratings and Related Statistics

Our latest endeavour to collect learner feedback was between April 01, 2020, and May 20, 2020 (yes that’s this year). Please allow us to share some vital stats with you.

Certificates Generated
(Courses Completed)


Average Course Feedback Score


On a five-point scale

Average Number of Courses Completed Per Learner


What Happy Customers Have to Say About Us

Testimonials: HR/ L&D

Pricing and Terms of Service

We offer an annual and a perpetual license contract for our clients. You may choose all five courses listed above or a subset of these. We will work out a pricing plan based on your needs

Get In Touch

As so many of our clients have testified, Actuate’s services have the potential to add immense value to your key personnel.

If you desire to equip your employees with the skills to better meet business metrics, then get in touch with us:

+ 91 9820883091


Or, simply leave us a note using the form below, and we will get in touch with you.



Why It’s Time For Managers to Stop Feedback Conversations (And what they must do instead)

How to get your hands on this book. ‘Empower! – Why It’s Time For Managers to Stop Feedback Conversations (And what they must do instead)’ is free for subscribers to our newsletter (which is free too!). Subscription to our newsletter merely involves filling in the form to the right, clicking on the ‘Subscribe’ button, and voila, you get a link to download and enjoy the book!

About this E-book

Armed with the best of intentions, managers use feedback sessions as communication tools to help people do better in their roles. Unfortunately, these conversations usually end up having the opposite effect, much to everyone’s frustration. The problem isn’t in communication itself – it’s in the perspective that drives this communication. Intrigued? Pick up this book and learn how to communicate to drive performance improvement.

Specific Steps I Will Take to Improve My Communication With My Onshore Counterparts

Benefits/Outcomes that will accrue if I do this

Target Date

Probable Barriers to Implementing My Action Plan

How I Will Overcome These Barriers

Target Date

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