by microlearn | Jan 4, 2022 | Uncategorized
In this module, we explore the second capability that a manager needs to imbibe in order to drive change successfully.
Take this module to learn more.
Happy Learning!
by microlearn | Jan 4, 2022 | Uncategorized
A managerial role involves a variety of responsibilities, including driving change the right way.
In this module we explore:
- How a leader-manager can drive change.
- The broad capabilities that a manager needs to possess/imbibe in order to drive change.
Take this module to learn more.
Happy Learning!
by microlearn | Jan 4, 2022 | Uncategorized
Change is inevitable and unavoidable, especially is today’s competitive and volatile business environment where organisations may frequently need to embrace change and reinvent themselves in order to stay on top of their game.
Now, while embracing change is essential, it equally essential to drive change through the organisation the right way, else even well-intentioned and well-planned change initiatives could fail miserably; mainly due to employee resistance to change.
Therefore, while driving change, it is essential that a leader-manager is well-prepared to deal with employee resistance to change effectively, which is a topic we seek to explore in this module.
Happy Learning!
by microlearn | Jan 4, 2022 | Uncategorized