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Giving and Receiving Feedback
(And what they must do instead)
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The Contrarian Leader
Why It’s Time For Managers to Stop Feedback Conversations (And what they must do instead).
Why It’s Time For Managers to Stop Feedback Conversations (And what they must do instead).
The Salesperson’s Manifesto
Why It’s Time For Managers to Stop Feedback Conversations (And what they must do instead).
Why It’s Time For Managers to Stop Feedback Conversations (And what they must do instead).
Why It’s Time For Managers to Stop Feedback Conversations (And what they must do instead).
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How managers can get employees to love coming in to and give their work their 100%
Strategic Thinking Skills for Leaders
How managers can get employees to love coming in to and give their work their 100%
P.S. Introducing our micro-video format courseThe Champion FormulaGiving and Receiving Performance Feedback for Managers |
"Feedback", as leadership expert Ken Blanchard is quoted to have said, is "the breakfast of champions. "However, if employee feedback is to be believed, then it is one of those many conversations that many managers botch up. The result: team members, who, having found the performance review experience to be unpleasant, seek to quit the organisation. An urgent need exists to equip managers with the ability to provide effective feedback. Team members must also be trained to receive feedback effectively. Find out more: The Champion's Formula: Giving and Receiving Performance Feedback |