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Critical Conversation
A ‘Critical Conversation’ very often is a life-defining and life-altering situation.
About this eBook
A ‘Critical Conversation’ very often is a life-defining and life-altering situation.
While the need for critical conversations are part of the work environment, they also are part of our lives with our family and friends.
Most people do not deal with them well – or at all. They live in hope that the situation will resolve itself. It never really does.
It is a skill to handle a critical conversation well.
Want to learn the art to handle critical conversation?
We have some very doable and informative tips in our eBook.
Upcoming Assets
- [Already Launched] Podcast: 5 Challenges Managers Face When Conducting Performance Conversations
- Slideshow: 10 Truths that Every Manager Providing Feedback Must Bear in Mind
- Audiobook: Empower! Audiobook
- Self-Reflection Tool for Managers: How Effective Am I at Conducting Performance Dialogues: Manager Self-Reflection Toolkit
- Mega Free Bonus: To be Announced (You will absolutely love this one)!
P.S. Introducing our micro-video format courseThe Champion FormulaGiving and Receiving Performance Feedback for Managers |
"Feedback", as leadership expert Ken Blanchard is quoted to have said, is "the breakfast of champions. "However, if employee feedback is to be believed, then it is one of those many conversations that many managers botch up. The result: team members, who, having found the performance review experience to be unpleasant, seek to quit the organisation. An urgent need exists to equip managers with the ability to provide effective feedback. Team members must also be trained to receive feedback effectively. Find out more: The Champion's Formula: Giving and Receiving Performance Feedback |