7 Tips to Get Up To 83% eLearning

7 Tips to Get Up To 83% eLearning

7 Tips to Get Up To 83% eLearning Course Completion Rates

Your go-to checklist to ensure eLearning ROI

7 Tips to Get Up To 83%eLearning Course Completion Rates

Your go-to checklist to ensure eLearning ROI

We studied over 150 successful enterprise eLearning programmes to tease out those tactics that best drive eLearning course completion rates and compiled those into an easy-to-use checklist that you can use to facilitate your own success.

Happy Learning!



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Why It’s Time For Managers to Stop Feedback Conversations (And what they must do instead)

About this E-book

Armed with the best of intentions, managers use feedback sessions as communication tools to help people do better in their roles. Unfortunately, these conversations usually end up having the opposite effect, much to everyone’s frustration.

The problem isn’t in the communication itself – it’s in the perspective that drives this communication.

Intrigued? Pick up this book and learn how to communicate to drive performance improvement.

Upcoming Assets

    • Podcast: Handling Difficult Employees During a Performance Conversation
    • Slideshow: 10 Truths that Every Manager Providing Feedback Must Bear in Mind
    • Audiobook: Empower! Audiobook
    • Self-Reflection Tool for Managers: How Effective Am I at Conducting Performance Dialogues: Manager Self-Reflection Toolkit
    • Mega Free Bonus: To be Announced (You will absolutely love this one)!

About this E-book

Armed with the best of intentions, managers use feedback sessions as communication tools to help people do better in their roles. Unfortunately, these conversations usually end up having the opposite effect, much to everyone’s frustration.

The problem isn’t in the communication itself – it’s in the perspective that drives this communication.

Intrigued? Pick up this book and learn how to communicate to drive performance improvement.

Upcoming Assets

    • Podcast: Handling Difficult Employees During a Performance Conversation
    • Slideshow: 10 Truths that Every Manager Providing Feedback Must Bear in Mind
    • Audiobook: Empower! Audiobook
    • Self-Reflection Tool for Managers: How Effective Am I at Conducting Performance Dialogues: Manager Self-Reflection Toolkit
    • Mega Free Bonus: To be Announced (You will absolutely love this one)!


P.S. Introducing our micro-video format course

The Champion’s Formula

Giving and Receiving Performance Feedback for Managers

Feedback”, as leadership expert Ken Blanchard is quoted to have said, is “the breakfast of champions.”

However, if employee feedback is to be believed, then it is one of those many conversations that many managers botch up. The result: team members, who, having found the performance review experience to be unpleasant, seek to quit the organisation.

An urgent need exists to equip managers with the ability to provide effective feedback. Team members must also be trained to receive feedback effectively.

Find out more: The Champion’s Formula: Giving and Receiving Performance Feedback

Beyond Employee Engagement

Beyond Employee Engagement

Beyond Employee Engagement

How managers can get employees to love coming in to and give their work their 100%

How to get your hands on this book. ‘Beyond Employee Engagement – How managers can get employees to love coming in to and give their work their 100%’ is free for subscribers to our newsletter (which is free too!).

Subscription to our newsletter merely involves filling in the form to the right, clicking on the ‘Subscribe’ button, and voila, you get a link to download and enjoy the book!

About this E-book

How can managers get team members to take on and deliver upon stretch goals, which means doing more than the 100% that they are currently, and be happy doing so?

How can managers amp up employee productivity while driving down attrition?

Download this free eBook, based on cutting-edge research in the fields of psychology and workplace productivity, to find out more.

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Subscription to our newsletter merely involves filling in the form to the right, clicking on the ‘Subscribe’ button, and voila, you get a link to download and enjoy the book!


To get a seat at the strategy discussion table, it should more than suffice if you are seen as a project execution whiz and you deliver top-notch work consistently…right?

Think again!

Many executives who subscribed to that thought process found out otherwise, the hard way.

Then what does it take?… you ask.

In a nutshell, you need to possess a big-picture orientation, as the title of this book says.

Read on to learn more about how to develop this key competence.

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Subscription to our newsletter merely involves filling in the form to the right, clicking on the ‘Subscribe’ button, and voila, you get a link to download and enjoy the book!

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Specific Steps I Will Take to Improve My Communication With My Onshore Counterparts

Benefits/Outcomes that will accrue if I do this

Target Date

Probable Barriers to Implementing My Action Plan

How I Will Overcome These Barriers

Target Date

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