Free Learning Asset

Handling Aggressive Team Members During a Performance Conversation

There’s no way to really predict how a performance conversation …


Every leader is given the same amount of time …


What would you need to get someone at work …

How Not to Let Stage Fear Cripple Your Presentation

Stage fear affects every presenter. Left unchecked, ...

How to Close a Sale

Closing a Sale…an important stage of the sales ...

Content the Modern-Day Learner Loves

   Bite-sized – three to five minutes long – lessons

    Engaging video formats

   Mobile optimised

   Sound content Made relevant and relatable

Specific Steps I Will Take to Improve My Communication With My Onshore Counterparts

Benefits/Outcomes that will accrue if I do this

Target Date

Probable Barriers to Implementing My Action Plan

How I Will Overcome These Barriers

Target Date

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