My Goal Setting Practices and Outcomes: Self-Reflection

This self-reflection activity is intended to help you determine how effective you are at conducting goal-setting exercises for your team members.

The points mentioned in this self-reflection tool are related to how one can conduct goal-setting exercises in a way that can motivate and encourage our team members to work wholeheartedly towards achieving their goals.

This exercise requires you to be as candid and honest as possible with yourself when performing this activity. Therefore, in the interest of ensuring anonymity, we have chosen to conduct this exercise offline.

The outputs and insights you will gain from this tool are for your own consumption. You are not required to share this with anyone (of course, you may do so voluntarily if you wish to). So, we request you to be honest with yourself as you perform this activity.

Remember, there are no right or wrong answers here. Simply mark the option that best describes you, your situation or the way you’ve handled a particular situation. Now, this is not a psychometric assessment, but a self-reflection tool. So, take your time pondering over each point before you respond to it.

1. I spend the required amount of time with team members explaining their goals, the rationale behind setting those goals, and how those goals align with the organisation’s goals.(Required)
2. I ensure that I clarify the downsides and negative consequences of resorting to unethical practices to achieve their goals with each team member.(Required)
3. At the end of the goal-setting discussion, my team members can clearly recap the What, Why, How, When and Who of the goals that I have set for them.(Required)
4. I spend time one-on-one with team members setting goals for them.(Required)
5. I work with each team member to devise concrete actions plans for them to achieve goals set.(Required)
6. I encourage my team members to share their opinions and inputs to formulate mutually agreeable goals for them for the year ahead.(Required)
7. My team members work towards goal achievement with wholehearted enthusiasm (they work towards goal achievement without being forced or pressurised to do so).(Required)
8. I put across my views, opinions, expectations politely, yet empathetically (I do not make use of fear and intimidation to get my team members to achieve their goals).(Required)
9. I respectfully explain the consequences of non-achievement of goals clear to my team members (I do not threaten or intimidate them about potential failures).(Required)
10. During the goal setting dialogue, I listen to my team members’ concerns with an intent to understand and resolve their doubts or concerns.(Required)
11. I use a friendly tone of voice when conducting the goal setting dialogue.(Required)
12. My team members would agree that I conducted the goal setting dialogue in a friendly and respectful manner, even when challenging or negating their inputs.(Required)
13. I set at least one stretch goal – a goal which is difficult, but not impossible to achieve - for each team member.(Required)
14. I ensure that I do not set more stretch goals than is realistically possible for the person to achieve within the given period.(Required)
15. At the end of the goal setting dialogue, my team members wholeheartedly agree that the stretch goals set for them are realistic and achievable.(Required)

Specific Steps I Will Take to Improve My Communication With My Onshore Counterparts

Benefits/Outcomes that will accrue if I do this

Target Date

Probable Barriers to Implementing My Action Plan

How I Will Overcome These Barriers

Target Date

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